The girl who loves to travel … This girl exists, her name is Sam and she is the chief editor of a very famous blog in the UK « SOS Travel UK ». She describes herself :
« I love to travel and want to share my experiences with you all, hoping to inspire more and more people along the way! Whether you are a first time or full time traveller, this blog is for you. Feel free to ask questions, give suggestions or just say hi. I want this blog to be a helpful source of information, whether it be travel inspiration or hints and tips about a certain place or just pure wanderlust. The one thing you can be certain of, you will get honest opinions and plenty of information on all the countries and places I see or visit.

Travel is my passion, as I have been lucky enough to visit lots of parts of this amazing world we live in from a very young age (first trip was to Texas in the USA 6 weeks old). My family love to travel, they instilled it into me from birth, hence why the travel bug will never cease! All I want is to encourage or inspire others to do the same. Travelling educates you, as you learn about other people’s cultures and ways of living. »
Her favourite quote is
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain
Recently, a journal-entry on her blog was about a trek with Latifa.
The coverage was titled « A Flat Footed Yorkshireman in the High Atlas ».
You may read the complete article by clicking here or read it here under.